1. To sweat! Everyone has their favorite way to sweat and for many people, yoga does the trick. Power yoga, power sculpt, hot yoga or any type of high intensity vinyasa will provide everything you look for in a workout, including cardio!
2. To detach and de-stress. My yoga studio is a special place where I can dedicate one full hour to myself and forget about the outside world. When it's just me and my mat, everything else seems to fade away for 75 minutes. This brings me into the NOW of my practice and more importantly, of my life.
3. To strengthen my balance. I am an active person and I spend the majority of my days running around like a chicken with my head cut off. Yoga helps with balance which can prevent injuries from tripping, falling or losing your center of gravity out on the dance floor.
4. For a sense of community. The yoga community is unlike any other group of people you've ever met. There is something very motivating and inspiring about moving harmoniously with an entire room full of people with one common goal.
5. To push my limits. Yoga has brought me very close with the voice inside my head that likes to tell me when enough is enough. When I find myself steeped in doubt, I push through with the concentration that yoga encourages.
6. To learn how to breathe. You'd be surprised to see how the human breathing pattern changes during stressful situations. Breathing shortens, muscles tense, stress hormones are released. Yoga teaches us to breathe deep and long through stressful, uncomfortable situations. The more you breathe, the easier it gets. This rings true throughout my entire life.
7. To increase my spiritual practice. In yoga, we meditate. We meditate at the beginning, during the postures and at the very end in savasana. Meditating brings your train of thought deep into the mind and into the present moment. Meditating is what brings us closer to our truth and our purpose.
8. To improve circulation and release pressure points. Anatomically and energetically, we develop blockages in our body throughout the course of life. Through yogic postures, blood circulation improves allowing your blood cells to become more oxygenated. Additionally, certain postures will open energy hotspots (chakras) along the vertical axis of the body.
9. To change. Yoga has taught me that in order to become better I must be willing to change who I am. In the physical aspect of the practice, yoga challenges you to test your limits, to explore unchartered territory, to try something new each class. In the spiritual aspect, it challenges you to question who you are and why you do certain things, and to be willing to change all of that in order to be better. Yoga requires accountability. It allows you to see how you react in stressful situations when you have no one to blame. Yoga cultivates a deep spiritual connection with the self and with others that resonates throughout all parts of life.
"Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self." Bhagavad Gita
Just about six months ago, Falcons rookie running back Tevin Coleman suffered a concussion after slipping in the team's facility showers. Earlier that week, there was talk about using the promising running back in a big game but his shower accident called for a change of plans.
Last fall, Canadian tennis player Genie Bouchard suffered a similar accident. In a dark training room with no one else in the building, Genie came across a wet spot on the floor and slipped, causing a serious concussion. Bouchard was forced to withdraw from the U.S. open the following week because of her injury.
A couple years ago, Celtics player Rajon Rondo broke his hand in (yet again) a slip and fall shower accident. At the media day when reporters bombarded Rajon with questions regarding his injury, the Celtics president of operations Danny Ainge admitted that he too had recently faced a head injury after slipping in the shower. All in all, shower injuries from slip and fall accidents are very common and can adversely affect a professional athlete's career.
Rhea Footwear is scheduled to release a shower sandal this summer that is the ultimate preventative measure against shower injuries. With a grip-tech sole that combines an exclusive rubber compound and a patented micro-channel tread, these sandals will grip the on the most extreme slippery conditions.
Even further suitable for shower environments, the shower sandals have drainage holes to prevent puddling at the feet and also include anti-microbial materials to protect from disease and illness found on most bathroom floors.
Slip and fall accidents are a common and serious issue that all athletes should be aware of. Gyms, training rooms, locker rooms and communal shower facilities can be the next site of major injury if preventative action is not taken. Stay tuned for information regarding our soon to be released shower sandals.
These personalized wooden cuff links are a great gift for any dapper looking, style conscious dude. Each gift is made to order from Clouds and Currents Etsy shop.
Small, thoughtful and unique. This cedar candle is made from natural soy wax and essential cedar oils. Even better- it comes with a few sweet words printed just for Dad.
There's nothing better than receiving a gift you'll actually use. Cord clutter haunts all of us and this cord organizer is functional, nifty and excellently engineered.
A perfect gift for a new Dad. This first father's day frame is completely customized and is a timeless keepsake.
These custom made toiletry bags make an excellent gift and are beautifully crafted. Each bag can be customized to read a name or initials.
These himalayan salt grilling stones are just plain cool. They reach temperatures higher than 450 degrees and can also be frozen as a cold food platter.
Speaking of food, this hand made marble cutting board/ cheese platter is a great gift for the Dad that loves to cook.
A perfect complement to the Himalayan salt stone, this personalized grilling set is another timeless gift for the ultimate grill master.
These whiskey/beverage stones are a creative and unique twist on father's day gifts. For anyone who likes drinking whiskey, wine or anything chilled, these stones are a great pick.
The man. The myth. The general manager of Mendocino Farms. Josh Rubin takes us through a typical day managing the rustic sandwich market in El Segundo, California.
Josh wasn't always a hot-shot general manager. His restaurant days humbly began at a hole-in-the-wall pizza joint in Chicago when he was sixteen. He was an aspiring jack of all trades; heating pizza, plating and serving to guests was the beginning of a career in hospitality. Mendocino Farms warmly welcomed Josh three years ago as a team member, and he's been loving it ever since.
Josh's favorite thing about the job? Activity. There's always something to be done, someone to please, a problem to solve. A typical day at Mendocino Farms begins with a morning walkthrough to make sure everything is prepared for opening. He arranges the floor plan, placing team members in their strongest positions.
After they've opened for lunch, the manager's main function is to be present on the floor, chatting with the guests and supporting his team.
As a general manager, Josh has an image to uphold. There must be a level of professionalism and style to his dress, while also being comfortable and safe. We gave him a pair of Rhea Footwear boots and slip-on's to see how they fair in a trendy restaurant environment. We asked if it was possible for a shoe to provide comfort, function and be visually appealing.
Working in a restaurant, it's imperative that a shoe is comfortable and supportive. Not only do front-of-house employees and kitchen staff work long shifts, but also are on their feet most of the time. Additionally, Mendocino Farms requires that employees wear non-slip shoes.
Josh has witnessed countless injuries caused by slips, trips and falls that could have been easily avoidable with non-slip shoes.
All of the above has resulted in Mendocino Farms requiring non-slip shoes as a preventative measure. As a reputable and well-known establishment, management at Mendocino Farms covers their bases when it comes to safety measures and precautionary action.
So has Rhea Footwear really won Josh and the Mendocino Farms team over? Here's the verdict:
There you have it: Josh Rubin is now a Rhea Footwear fanatic. You can have the best of both worlds and wear a shoe that's comfortable, durable, safe and stylish. A big thanks to Josh for letting us peer into the tight-knit culture at Mendocino Farms and sharing feedback, food and many laughs. Fun fact?
1. You don't have to be best friends with your roommate. It's great if you find a life long friendship in your first-year roommate, but odds are you won't- and that's OK! It's perfectly fine to have a functional roommate relationship without deeming yourselves BFFs.
2. Go to everything you're invited to. I remember even going to a cookie party in the resident minister's room. Was it the fattest rager all semester? Not at all, but it was an opportunity to meet people and socialize. You never know who you'll meet or what opportunity you'll run into. Just say yes- you'll never have more free time than your first year.
3. Leave your dorm about 30 minutes before your first class. During the first week of classes, give yourself enough time to navigate around campus and find where everything is.
4. Use ratemyprofessors.com. It's not a myth. But don't 100% depend on it. Every one of my favorite professors have gotten sh*t reviews.
5. Get involved. There are so many organizations and on-campus jobs to get involved with your first-year and they are all great opportunities to meet people. Even if you don't think it's for you, try it out anyway!
6. Pay attention to what you eat. The freshman 15 is not inevitable. First-year weight gain comes from a lack of awareness. You're away from home, you're eating every meal out, and people bond over food. Meeting new people/ building friendships=lots of pizza dates.
7. Wear shower sandals. Just do it. Looks are deceiving and communal bathrooms are crawling with germs and bacteria. Good shower sandals can prevent dangerous slips and protect from disease and illness.
8. Go to class. You'll always meet people who are in college for no good reason other than to party. Hopefully that's not you. Your education is as important as having fun and self actualization. Go to class. Even if it's in your PJs, go.
9. Study in places other than your dorm room. Use common areas, cafes, the library- it's a good way to make friends and connect with people in your classes.
10. Get to know your classmates. You're bound to have a sick day and you'll need to have a few friends to text and get the notes from. Tip: Don't email your professor asking if anything important happened when you were gone.
11. Prop your door open when you're in your room. It's nice to air out your room every so often, and say hello to your hall mates as they pass by :)
12. Try to visit each of your professors during office hours at least once. They're busy people and it's difficult to remember each and every student individually. Introducing yourself and chatting for a few minutes allows you to access your professors on a personal level and you instantly become more than just a number (especially in big universities). Every professor is different, some with quirks and peeves. It's important to adapt to the course expectations of each professor. And remember, they're human. Don't email at 2am. Don't pester to visit them outside office hours. Be nice.
13. Use your planner. Everyone buys them but not everyone uses it. Write down every important due date you can find in your course syllabi. Due dates can be sneaky sometimes so be sure to plan ahead.
14. Cope with homesickness. Everyone is with you on this one. Separation anxiety is real and sometimes not making a ton of friends the moment you step foot on campus can make it worse. Just know that Rome wasn't built in a day and that finding your niche and tribe of people that are like a second family takes time. Try not to go home every time you feel this way. Stay on campus and instead think of ways to connect with your peers. Jump out of that comfort zone. Why? Because the best years of your life await you on the other side.
15. Have an open mind. See comfort zone rant. But seriously, it's okay to do things that don't necessarily align with the expectations you set for your freshman year BEFORE you even got there. Allow for surprises, for the potential to be spontaneous, for opportunities. If at any moment you regret something about your first year, you have three more and each will hold different opportunities to grow and change.
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
Mark Twain
1. Have a beach day! Pack a lunch, grab a group of your closest homies and take the day to relax. Have a game of beach volleyball or flag football!
2. Reverse happy hour. Just like normal happy hour, but usually after peak hours (ie. 9pm-11pm). Late night appetizers and half priced drinks? Sign us up.
3. Go to a group workout class. Spin, cross-fit, yoga, pilates, maybe even a martial arts class! The options are endless.
4. Take a long hike. We all have those best friends that we don't necessarily talk to or see often, but when we do it's like no time has passed. Take the day to get outside and catch up on a nature walk.
5. Plan a fishing trip. Put the old fishing gear in your garage to use and have some old fashioned bonding time on the water.
6. Break out those overpriced clubs you got for Christmas and take a group of co-workers out to play. Followed by happy hour, of course.
7. Have a "kids only" darty (day+party). With the following bells and whistles: jumpy house, face painting, balloon twister, candy & sweets bar, drinking games, slip & slide, twister etc.
8. Enjoy a free concert in the park. With wine filled water bottles and lots of comfy blankets to sit on.
9. Binge watch a Netflix series together. Don't want to leave the house? Have a chill night in with your favorite snack and person.
10. Do a book swap. Get a group together, gather your favorite reads and make some good trades! Just remember who you loan your books to...
11. Visit a museum. Pick one that neither of you have been to before and have a day of art appreciation.
12. Make vision boards! This can be just you and your BFF or a whole party of friends. Gather all of your old magazines (preferably three per person) and cut out words or images that represent how you ideally envision your life to include. Make an entire board dedicated to all of your wishes and dreams and look at it every day.
13. Rent out paddle boards and get some sun. Wake up early enough to see the sunrise while you're on the water- priceless.
14. Have a hole-in-the-wall night. Yeah, you heard me right. Find the dive-iest bar in town, put your bestie's name on the karaoke list and let the fun begin...
15. Cards against humanity. Get ready to literally cry laughing. This is the best board game. Ever.
16. Backyard movie screening. Set up a projector and screen your favorite oldie-but-goodie film. Lights, camera, blankets & popcorn.
17. Camping trip! Plan a road trip with a few close friends and set up camp somewhere you've never been before. Completely disconnect from electronics and simply enjoy the good company of great friends.
18. Host a stay at home brunch party. Stacks on stacks of pancakes and mimosas in bulk!
19. Give thanks at friendsgiving. There's nothing like a huge potluck with all your best buds. Enjoy some good home cooking (some more than others) and some laughs with the people that can drive you crazy, but you can't seem to live without. Cheers to best friends!
The facts.
According to the National Safety Floor Institute, falls account for over 8 million hospital emergency visits, making them the leading cause for hospital visits.
For those 65 and older, 79% of bathroom injuries are caused by slipping or falling in the shower.
So what about bathroom floor mats and rubber shower mats? Not effective. While they may provide some resistance to slipping, bath mats soaked with shower water in a dark and damp environment grow mold and bacteria. Shower mats are also known to have mold and slime beneath them.
Aside from preventing bathroom injury, shower sandals also protect you from your little bacterial/fungal friends that grow on bathroom and shower floors.
Various strains of mold, algae and fungi are shown to exist on most shower environments and can be transported via the bare human foot.
Countless viruses and infections can develop from the filth that grows on bathroom and shower floors. Shower sandals can help prevent meningitis, plantar warts (that cause HPV), athlete's foot and other illness.
The investment of a lifetime: shower sandals!
Your health is your business, but staying virus and infection-free can affect your teammates, colleagues, friends and family. A shower injury or infection due to bathroom floors can occur at any age, so protect yourself and others by staying safe and wearing shower sandals.
This is no traditional hike, or flight of stairs for that matter. However, the Culver City stairs workout will leave you sweaty, sore and probably sun burnt. This outdoor workout is perfect if you're looking to get active outside of your regular gym. The view going up may look daunting, but the view from the top is well worth the sweat.
On a sunny day, the Hollywood sign hike is the ultimate summer outing. With medium and small inclines all the way, the hike is widely accessible and leads you to a full view of the city. Helpful tip: Go early in the morning or right before sunset to get the best view of the skyline!
Every Thursday starting on July 7 at 7 pm. The concerts feature a wide range of musical genres including indie rock, dance, classic, reggae, disco, latin + many more. Mark your calendar because this is LA's favorite summer tradition!
Find Yoga Works studios all over Los Angeles in Brentwood, Hollywood, Koreatown, Playa Vista, Santa Monica, and El Segundo. Yoga Works has classes every hour for beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. If you're not already convinced, you and your friends get your first week free! Find more information on the Yoga Works website.
Blue Bottle Coffee is a San Francisco coffee roaster and has a convenient location for Angelenos on Abbot Kinney in Venice. Their menu features a specialty drink that they call "New Orleans Iced Coffee," which is cold brewed with chicory root, mixed with your cream of choice and a dash of sweetener.
The Broad is located in downtown LA and offers free general admission. The postwar and contemporary art collection is an eclectic, provocative and vibrant representation of LA culture. If you mind waiting a few hours in line to get in, be sure to book tickets in advance. More information on The Broad can be found on the website.
Playa Vista's farmer's market opens at 9 am every Saturday morning and showcases locally sourced fresh fruits and vegetables as well as the most beautiful flowers. The farmer's market also offers live music, local artists and vendors and the BEST breakfast burritos in town. Start your Saturday off on the right foot and pay a visit to the Playa Vista farmer's market.
Whether you're looking for some greenery to spruce up your home or just coming along for the ride, the LA Flower District is truly a summer's dream. 6 blocks of flower heaven and nearly 200 wholesale flower vendors, the marketplace seems to never end.
1. Practice Good Housekeeping
Sounds obvious, I know, but taking the time and patience to tidy up will make all the difference in slip/fall prevention. You can start by finding homes for little objects on the floor that may obstruct a walk way or cause someone to trip. If you have kids and find that a labyrinth of toys scatter your floors daily, try placing a large basket in each main room to toss the toys in. Also clear any cord-clutter you finding lurking behind TVs, appliances or electronics in your home. De-clutter and B R E A T H E !
2. Maintain Proper Lighting
Make sure to place sufficient light sources around your home to illuminate walk ways and reduce risks of falling. A creative approach to this could be stringing lights in your backyard to light up an outdoor dinner party, or letting natural light fill your house during the day. Floor lamps, desk lamps and suspended lighting are all ways to increase light while also maintaining a pleasant aesthetic.
3. Staying Mindful
While walking from place to place during a busy day, it's easy to zone out and lose mindfulness. There is nothing more dangerous than absentmindedly walking while looking down at a cell phone. Keep yourself and others safe by looking up while you walk, and smiling of course.
4. Good Shoes Make Happy Feet
One of the most proactive things you can do to reduce your risk of tripping or falling is by wearing safe, non-slip shoes. There are countless variables in the environment that can cause falls: weather, wet floors, mindless texters. The one thing you can control in staying safe is your choice in shoes. Rhea Footwear is geared to resist slip-causing variables with NeverSlip technology. Stay stylish without the slippage.
There's a new brunch on the block and it's calling your name. Chef Nyesha Arrington welcomes all to try her locally inspired, progressive California cuisine at Leona, just a block away from Venice Beach. Vibrant decor, impeccable service and a brilliantly crafted menu will make for the best Mother's Day yet.
You will not be left disappointed (or hungry) after dining at this beautiful beach bistro. Skylights and airy features welcome you into a true seafood sanctuary. The food is classic with a Venice vibe and has a boutique wine list to match. Make Mom proud and show her around Abbot Kinney this Sunday.
The Butcher's Daughter makes it on our top foodie list once again. Bright, bleached-wood and draped in greenery: Brunch with The Butcher's Daughter is perfect for a special day with Mom. The menu serves a perfect balance of healthy and comforting, making it a fabulous choice for the whole family.
Located right on Lincoln Blvd. in Venice, Superba is one of our favorite go-to's for any meal of the day. The bright and spacious dining room offers a bakery bar and it's own coffee counter. Gather the family and put on your Sunday best because Superba Food + Bread is the ultimate family brunch spot.
Casual, classic, and quaint. This Parisienne style cafe is the perfect stop for a cup of coffee or a glass of rosé (or both) to kickstart your Sunday. Enjoy a quiet bite to eat before perusing the shops on Abbot Kinney.